Everything You Need to Know About Makeup Brushes
Hey guys! One of my most requested blog posts is on makeup brushes and which ones are best for each part of the face. Just to let you know, this is my opinion and what I use for makeup brushes but feel free to use whatever you feel comfortable with! I will be posting pictures of what I have, plus other options. Also, I will post links to the brushes I have! I hope you all enjoy! P.S. I apologize that my brushes are dirty.. I need to clean them this week lol
Foundation: For foundation I use a kabuki brush which is an IT Cosmetics for Ulta brush. You can also use a regular foundation brush (I will put a picture of one below), or a beauty blender.
Link to my foundation brush: http://www.ulta.com/airbrush-blurring-foundation-brush-101?productId=xlsImpprod11061076
Powder: For powder, I use the Maybelline Powder brush to press my powder into the oily parts of my skin and to set my under eye
Link to Powder brush: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Maybelline-New-York-Facestudio-Powder-Brush-100/970339181?findingMethod=wpa&tgtp=0&cmp=11734&relRank=3&tax=1085666_1007040_1001498&pt=ip&adgrp=12367&bt=1&plmt=944x345_B-C-OG_TI_4-20_HL-BOTTOM&wpa_qs=0Gk0NDaTVEQ7iWIqUq9iCOpau8qje7Kn6vrdhrtz4PcA3jec7-VXbm9GgoZ7rwbv&bkt=lr-item-sk19-1103&pgid=313576994&itemId=970339181&relUUID=064b993e-dd1a-4d08-bdcd-42ddfdd4825d&adUid=af0d717a-1f3d-4889-8f9b-67919d61f9d0&adiuuid=e0124250-8109-4d75-a29c-22a8b545d8e7&adpgm=wpa&pltfm=desktop
Concealer: For concealer, I use either my finger or the bigger brush in the Real Techniques Instapop Eye Duo set. Even though this brush is technically for your eye, it is the same size and bristle consistency as the concealer brush they offer so I just improvised and saved money on that! Then, I use a beauty blender to blend out my concealer. There are tons of cheaper alternatives to the beauty blender, which I use.
Link to my beauty blender and Real Techniques Eye Duo Brushes: http://www.ulta.com/miracle-complexion-sponge?productId=xlsImpprod5960824 AND http://www.ulta.com/tools-brushes-makeup-brushes-tools-makeup-brushes?N=1z140ysZ27hp
Bronzer: For bronzer, I use the Eco Tools blending brush. You could use any big fluffy powder, or bronzer brush to get the job done.
Link to my Bronzer brush: https://www.walmart.com/ip/3-Pack-EcoTools-Blending-and-Bronzing-Brush/313576994
Blush: For blush, I use this super awesome Lisa Frank brush I got in my Ipsy bag but I will put a link to another good brush for blush
Link to Blush brush: https://www.walmart.com/ip/EcoTools-Precision-Blush-Brush/49292255
Highlight: For highlight, I use two separate brushes. The first is a Luxie brush I got in my Ipsy bag and the second is the highlighter brush from elf. Both are really great to my your highlight pop!
Link to Elf highlighting brush: https://www.walmart.com/ip/e-l-f-Precision-Highlighter-Makeup-Brush/55277115
For my eyes, I use the Lamora brushes that I got on amazon.
Link to brush set: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MNMQKPC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
Normally, for all of my transition shades I use a blending brush (pictured below). I use my Lamora blending brush but the Morphe blending brush is also a great, inexpensive alternative.
For my shimmer shadows or lid color, I either use my finger or a shader brush to press the eyeshadow or pigment onto my lid.
I also use the eyeliner brush to put my eyeshadow liner on. I usually do this for an everyday look and will use actual eyeliner for more intense looks.
I use this Real Techniques brush to apply my NYX Eyeshadow Primer that is in a pot.